Trot Trot to Grandma's House... let a little girl ride a tractor. I, with the help of my sister, am taking the girls up to Vermont for a few days. It will be our first trip up there since the babies were born so it's bound to be an adventure.

There are two things that Vivi absolutely loves about going to her grandparents' house in the country. The first is Bear, my parents' beloved chocolate lab. The second is getting to "drive" grandpa's tractor. She gets a lot of freedom at Grandma's house (and not just the "you can have oreos for breakfast" kind) which I think is going to relax Vivi a little bit. There's tons of land to run around on and no traffic. It's free-range and that will be good.

Now, if the rain will just hold off...


  1. That sounds really wonderful! Just think, the adult-child ratio will be 4-3! What a luxury! And open space and (relative) freedom - I hope it's as recharging for you as it sounds!


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