Halfway There Giveaway

At the beginning of the year, I made a commitment to myself and to Dollimama (my fellow blogger and mother of twins) to take a few minutes each week for myself.  I promised that I would blog about what I did every Friday and link up to her site.  

As it turns out, I was great at taking the time for myself but not so good at blogging about it.  (I know you are heartbroken to have missed my weekly missives about the YMCA.) Do not despair, fair reader, I am here to redeem myself.  I am participating in the:

Cue the wild cheering and applause!

I am giving away a little "me time" care package. While I won't give the specifics (who doesn't love a surprise?), the package will include something you can do for yourself, something you can do with a friend, and something that will help you do something for someone else.  

To enter, please leave a comment telling me the most interesting place you have ever traveled. For a bonus entry, become a follower of this blog and leave me a separate comment noting that.

A winner will be chosen at random on Friday morning, July 8.

Check out the other giveaways by clicking here.  
Good luck!!


  1. I spent a semester in Russia my junior year of college. I did a bit of travelling during that time, most notably to the Caucuses region in southern Russia. Had a run-in with a real gypsy there, and am still slightly freaked out over it. :) [Great question!]

    Thanks for linking up, and I'm in some kinda suspense over the prize! :) :)

  2. I'm in. Pick me, Pick me! Most interesting place I have ever traveled is Ireland. I was there 15 years ago, and I hope to go back someday.

  3. Let's see...I am not sure if I would consider it the most interesting place but I loved Honduras! The most beautiful waters I have ever seen...and the snorkeling was awesome!!

  4. I've been to Canada a couple times....just across the border when I was visiting family in Michigan. :)

  5. Dear Mama, the most interesting place I have been is Barcelona, Spain. Gaudi is a fascinating architect. The park was a magical place, with lots of cool tiled sculptures, and the unfinished cathedral was unreal..massive and detailed.....we went to another of his places and it had these "storm trooper" looking things on the roof....way cool and totally interesting.

  6. I have visited the world's largest frying pan. No joke.

  7. I am now following you :-)

    PS-I have also been bad about blogging about my ME! time challenge. To redeem myself, I am also offering a giveaway!

  8. The only time I've ever been out of the US was when I went to a retreat at a hot springs resort in Canada. It was absolutely beautiful.

    By the way, I'm also a new follower. I love your "About Me" section...too funny. :)

  9. I actually don't remember the exact place in Canada. My parents took me when I was in my teens.
    I'm a GFC follower. :)

  10. I think it'd have to be Mexico on a mission trip. I think it was good for me to get outside my bubble.

  11. Oh gosh, what a great question! How would I decide?

    I think I'm going to go with Australia simply because of so many expectations not being the same as reality. E.g. Climate and lifestyle is very similar to South Africa (where I'm from) BUT they are SO rule-following and we're... well, not :)

    Although I've been to other more interesting places in terms of scenery/ culture, etc.

  12. The most interesting place I have ever traveled is Nicaragua. I was 15, so it's been a while.

  13. fun! i went to thailand in 2004 for a conference. i traveled with a native thai friend who took me places and fed me food that i would have never been able to experience otherwise :)

  14. My interesting (really favorite) trip was to New York City!! It really was interesting too! Loved it! So glad you are joining the fun!

    I hope you take the time to enter my giveaway too! Thanks!

  15. Being Canadian, I'm quite happy to see that a few people said Canada was the most interesting place. Yay!!

    While I do love my native country, I'm going to say Australia is the most interesting place I've been. I went sea kayaking with dolphins and whales, held a koala bear, fed a kangaroo and went surfing. Fun all the way!

  16. My favorite place so far has been Niagara Falls in Canada. It was absolutely break-taking.

  17. We did a Europe trip awhile ago, and Florence, Italy was the most beautiful city from an architecturally interesting point of view. So amazing!

  18. Most interesting? That's a tough one. Had you said "exciting" or "beautiful" a place would have popped right in my head...but "interesting"?

    I guess I would say Prauge - the city is full of amazing architecture, lots of history, and yummy beer ;)

  19. I was in Iraq for 7 months last year for work. Though it was stressful & extremely hot, it was by far the most interesting place I've ever been.
    mistyfuji (at) yahoo (dot) com

  20. I follow your blog via GFC.
    mistyfuji *at* yahoo *dot* com

  21. I think my all time favorite destination is Maui. I know its not overly-exotic or anything, but you cannot beat the sunsets and snorkeling. Or visiting Haleakala. Or eating the world's sweetest pineapple.

  22. The most interesting place I have ever been to is the White House. I got the behind the scenes tour and I saw places that are not on the public tour.

    The most interesting place that I have traveled was in Canada just north of Minnesota. I went canoeing through the boundary waters to get my Ecology undergrad credits. It was so pristine that you could drink straight from the lakes.

  23. I am also now a follower. I read today's blog and laughed so hard that I had to follow. :)

  24. I think New York City was the most interesting for me. It's just so full of EVERYTHING. It's a great place to explore

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  25. I was 14 and went to NYC! Scary, but so amazing! :)

    coopicootiebutt at aol dot com


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