Crying Babies

I had to laugh when I saw this crying baby photo link up party.  When Vivi was a baby, I don't think we got any pictures of her crying.  As our only child, her tears were a rare occurrence and I never thought to document the crying when it happened.  I was more concerned with putting an end to the tears.

As if that would ever happen with twins!  Photos with one or more crying babies were an inevitability.  So here you have it, my contribution to the link up:

Eliya giving those lungs a workout.  Jude trying to tune her out.  Week #1

Jude screaming and the poor big sister not sure what to make of it. 

My personal favorite since this pretty much sums up Jude's first year of life.

Unidentified screaming child in the background.  It's probably Jude.

When the babies got going, so did Vivi.  Oh, and mommy.  Mommy always cried too.

I'm also linking up to Simply Modern Mom's Glimpse into Motherhood.


  1. aaaw, they are so sweet. and yes, I also had a big crier the first year :)

  2. I love the one on the bed, with the blue and green sleepers! And that last one is precious, too. :) :)

    I saw a FB friend announce the other day that she's pregnant with #3, all singletons, but in pretty quick succession. Someone commented, "Get ready to have someone always crying." Probably true, huh? :)

  3. I spent my twins' first year crying with them too!! Dawson was never a big crier though - however, I have to think a lot of that is simply because he was not a twin so I could actually go to him every time he cried. "Twins aren't for sissies," as my favorite shirt says! :)

  4. Oh My Gosh...Jude's expression in that one pic pretty much sums up how I felt when one of my twins cry...LOL!!

    Gorgeous kiddies you have...I love seeing pics!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Hi! I'm stopping in via Marcia's link party. The pic of all three of them on the bed, with Jude's hands thrown up in the air - simply adorable and painful all at the same time. :) I would probably have my hands thrown up, too, along with a few tears of my own.

    Your kids are precious!

  6. So sweet. I hadn't even thought of pictures of the wee one crying. We had a two week period when the first teeth came in that I thought I was literally losing my mind.


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