Getting My Fitness On
I know I'm fat. Yeah, yeah, I gave birth to twins five months ago and I probably should be easier on myself but I know what I can look like. And what I'm looking at every day ain't it.
With both of my pregnancies, I ate sensibly and gained the recommended amount of weight. I didn't deny myself anything but I didn't overdo it either. I gave birth to three good-sized babies and have nursed or plan to nurse them all exclusively until they start solid foods. After that, I'll just continue nursing at least until they are one. This plan worked beautifully with Vivi and my pregnancy weight melted off. With the Turtles, it just hasn't happened.
I'm sure there are a whole host of reasons for this. Vivi was the model baby- sleeping soundly, regularly, and through the night by three months. She was the only child so getting out for a walk was never a problem. I returned to work part-time when she was 13 weeks so we had a routine for our meals and snacks. We both thrived with the structure.
With the Turtles' arrival, it has been chaos from the beginning. I go most of the day without eating because I am just too busy. When 3:00 hits, I am ready to crash so I start my 6 hour snacking ritual. I go from sweet to salty and back again until about 9 when I am full. Exercise has virtually not happened.
About a month ago, a package came in the mail. It was a surprise from my husband who, since the birth of the twins, has been showering me with gifts. (I think these gifts are to show his gratitude for growing, birthing, and raising our girls. I think they also help assuage his guilt at being relieved that he doesn't have to be home full-time with them.) Anyway, I open to box to discover a Nintendo Wii and the Wii Fit Balance Board.
My response, "Either you really love me or you really do think I'm fat."
So, here I am in the digital age, trying to get my fitness on. Any suggestions from you moms of multiple children out there? This fat curmudgeonly technophobe needs all the help she can get.
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