I'm Baaaaack!

I've returned from the familial abyss that has claimed my blogging time for the last three weeks. I don't think I've gone so long without writing since I started this blog so to the two or three people who read my ramblings regularly, sorry about that. You see, we've just had quite a bit going on around here.

Vivi turned four.


The Turtles are on the cusp of walking and destroying everything in their path.

My washer died and flooded part of our basement in the process.

Our beloved babysitter is graduating college and leaving us which has me distraught.

And my husband and I celebrated five years of mostly marital-bliss.

No picture for that.  Go figure...

And you thought I was just busy soaking beans and baking bread.


  1. Wow, that's a lot! if my washer died, I would be very sad. And if my babysitter left, I would be crushed. But I don't have a sitter yet, so no worries there! :)

    P.S. I have beans soaking too!

  2. Almost walking turtles alone would be a valid enough reason for the hiatus. Happy Birthday to Vivi, and congratulations on five years of mostly marital-bliss! :o)

  3. glad to see your back! I was getting a little worried! Would love to get together with you and Grace and the girls sometime!

  4. Congrats on 5 years! You two have done a lot in that time!
    I love Taejo's face in the picture of candles being blown out!
    We are having a new sitter starting mid-May - maybe she has friends? I'm nervous too because she's a sophomore... but I think we'll be gone before she graduates so it may work out okay. That's the trouble with college sitters, but from the sitters perspective (as I was in college) I was sad to leave "my" family!


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