
Guess what we got yesterday?

A surprise snow storm!

It started snowing around dusk and the girls were beyond excited.  I was too.  There's nothing I love more than being in my warm house watching it snow outside.  Because I was feeling all warm and toasty inside, I roasted some acorn squash and made a matzoh ball soup.  The soup was a hit with the kids... the squash not so much.  I think the snow really mellowed everyone out  because our house was silent by 8:00.  My husband has a cold so he went to bed not long after the girls but I sat in the quiet by our picture window and read until 9:30.  What a wonderful way to end the day.

Jude woke up this morning and yelled the loudest, happiest "Good Morning!" I had ever heard.  She and Elie were so excited that they ran into my room and demanded I look out the window with them.  Elie exclaimed, "Mama!  There is still snow on our minivan!"  Vivi was thrilled too and got ready in record time because she wanted to play outside before school.  She built a snowman right away.

By the time, I got the little girls ready and out the door for school an hour or so later, the snow was beginning to melt and it was raining.  They didn't care and did what they do best:


They destroyed their sister's snowman in under a minute.


  1. Sounds like a perfect system...beautiful snowfall, snow for a snowman, but melted the next day. We don't get snow very often, but I do love to watch it fall.


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