Look Who's Three!

We are! Jude and Elie turned 3 on March 6th and it was a much anticipated event. We had cake. We had hats. We had a little party at the Y with all their favorite grown-up friends. (Let's face it. These kids don't have friends their age.) Because there was not one thing these kids wanted other than strawberries and blueberries, it was easy to make them happy. Vivi gave them a bucket and bubbles and I made photo books for each of them. My little narcissists loved them. (We'll just keep the fact that I couldn't tell who was who in some of the baby pictures our little secret.) Of course, you can't turn three and NOT have something fancy to wear. So Aunt Katie came to the rescue by sending these new swim suits. Mother Nature also celebrated our survival of three years with three kids by sending some beautiful weather our way. So we made like The Brady Bunch and "fixed" our bikes. Hard work isn't really Jude's thing and this is how...